Officially formed in 2018 and located at the former Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant (LSAAP) and near the Red River Army Depot (RRAD) in Hooks, TX, EnviroSafe Demil LLC provides demilitarization, decontamination, and other related services in an environmentally-friendly manner.
Demilitarization is the neutralization and/or disposal of explosives, energetics, propellants, military munitions and related items. Historically this has been primarily completed by open-burning or open-detonating (OB/OD) materials in a pit. This can cause contamination to the environment, air, water, animals, and even humans. ESD's mission is to be America's clean alternative to open burning.
ESD cleanly neutralizes materials and energetics in an environmentally-friendly manner. All materials are safely processed and filtered through our revolutionary technologies. The typical result is little-to-no detectable levels of emissions. ESD strives to achieve maximum levels of materials recovery to enable all resulting alloys and metals to be recycled once completing the demilitarization process.
As "America's clean alternative to open burning", ESD is committed to changing the perception of energetics and explosive materials neutralization. ESD is the alternative technology that makes it possible to recycle materials rather than open burning, open detonating, or burying hazardous items. This is the EnviroSafe difference!
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