ESD's transportable demilitarization and explosive waste disposal systems are used for safely decontaminating (flashing) explosive contaminated materials, thermal treatment of materials, and disposal of combustible energetic contaminated materials and wastewater.
The system is designed for destruction of energetic materials and decontamination of material potentially presenting an explosive hazard (MPPEH) by direct heating for sufficient time and temperature to render the discharged materials to be inert and alloys safe for general release and recycling (certified safe or “5X”). It provides superior control and reliability versus open-burning (OB), open-detonation (OD), or “bonfire” operations while also providing a level of environmentally-responsible pollution abatement (PAS) not afforded to OB/OD disposal methods.
The ESD deployable system promotes exhaust gas residence time at high temperature to minimize potential emissions. These units typically do not require an environmental permit for operations or treatment of most energetics, as emissions are below “de minimus” levels. However, ESD utilizes a transportable trailer mounted pollution abatement system (PAS) that operates in tandem to reduce and eliminate pollutants.
Design Features:
· Totally contained on a standard trailer for convenient highway/off road transport
· Batch cycle operations (fast warm up and cool down) with high throughput capacity
· Protection of personnel via remote control and monitoring at a safe operating distance
· Protection of equipment by robust design for venting; and management of energy to minimize potential damage and facilitate ease of repairs in case of unplanned event
· Efficient combustion and heat transfer to the load, while minimizing emissions
· Continuous temperature monitoring to verify each load temperature
Environmental Benefits:
ESD’s transportable system employs a high efficiency Pollution Abatement System (PAS). This affords customers the ability to utilize a “clean” burning technology for on-site thermal treatment and disposal of hazardous materials. ESD’s transportable system provides numerous benefits that make it a unique solution unlike any on the market. ESD’s environmental benefits include (but not limited to) the following:
- Permits typically not required for on-site thermal treatment operations
- Employs PAS technology that cleans emissions below de minimis levels
- PAS technology with 99.97% efficiency for removal of particulate matter greater than or equal to 0.3 micron diameter
- PAS prevents heavy smoke, removes particulates, heavy metals, and oxides
- System designed to oxidize organics and CO, unlike open burning or open detonation (OB/OD)
- System does not produce significant NOx or HCL emissions
ESD Mobile Response Unit
ESD and their partners are internationally known for effectively dealing with sensitive contamination problems in soil, air, groundwater, and surface water. Other contamination includes metals, solvents, and chemical agents. ESD can conduct evaluations, cleanups, and closure activities for military, industrial, contaminated areas, landfills, and more.
Utilizing our Mobile Response capabilities, our solutions can handle contaminated site clean-up efforts by extracting contaminated materials from the site and thermally treating them for thorough decontamination. Our processes and solutions are proven to treat numerous contaminants.
401 N Montague Street, Hooks, TX 75561
(430) 200-2291 Public Contact: CEO: President:
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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